April Musings 2024

April greetings fellow gardeners,

Though quite chilly this morning, I believe spring is upon us. Memories of that nor'easter are fading, but the clean-up more than lingers.- ugh! Even before that storm, signs of the season were upon us. Easter Sunday, while traipsing through water-logged woods, we heard our first wood frogs, and on April 1st the sweet sound of peepers as evening set in. A feisty pair of bluebirds have set up housekeeping in the 20 year old bluebird house in the middle of the vegetable garden. Daffodils are blooming. Crabapple buds are swelling. Indeed, it's spring!

Turning to the vegetable garden, I have pulled back the straw mulch from the garlic rows, and the plants look terrific. In a week or so I'll give them an application of an all natural fertilizer high in nitrogen. This will help leaves grow thick and wide which, in turn, produces larger cloves and bulbs.

I have just planted my Walla Walla onions along with the winter-keeping Pattersons, and the shallots. A month ago I started shell pea seeds inside, as I have had germination problems in the past when I sow directly into the garden. One row of these now 3-4" tall seedlings were set out in the garden yesterday, watered in with a weak solution of fish emulsion, and then snuggled in with straw to protect them from wind. Straw is right there to cover them should a good frost occur. I still have to prepare the site for two more rows (working in compost, natural fertilizer high in phosphorus, and putting up the trellises). A 6-pack of special lettuce is now ready to go out in another niche garden- the challenge being rabbits and deer. Both have been devastating to most everything in our yard!

It's now time to transplant my peppers and eggplant into 4" pots, as they won't be garden bound until late May. Tomato seeds I'll start next week, as they germinate quickly. I'm aiming for short, stocky plants to set out the end of May. That about sums up what needs to be done so far around here. But things are brewing elsewhere...

Back at Nashua Farmers' our spring flyer has hit. It's all about lawns and gardens and birds. Our great deal on Blue Seal Safe 'N Simple all-natural lawn care program is in full swing. For over 20 years this offer has been a mainstay. The results speak for themselves. Folks love it, and it's totally safe for pets, people, wildlife, and the environment. If this program is new to you, please check us out. It's really that good! We're also featuring your favorite Espoma organic fertilizers, Coast of Maine soil amendments, hummingbird supplies, and more! Come on down!


Jeez, I better get out and clear more debris off our own lawn. Another raking is due. Soon the Safe 'N Simple program starting April 25th. But fertilize the perennials and shrubs right now, Judith! Get those weeds out first! Have you finished pruning?...no

That's it for now,


Kate Ratta